Can Honey Cure Gingivitis or Bleeding and Receding Gums?

by Rose on August 22, 2010


A natural and powerful medicine, honey has been used since ancient times for both its nutritional value and its topical healing power.

Wound Healing Properties of Honey Aid in the Treatment of Gum Disease

It is the wound-healing properties of honey that are useful in the treatment of gum diseases such as gingivitis, bleeding and receding gums. When mixed with water, an enzyme in honey (glucose oxidase) produces hydrogen perioxide. Hydrogen peroxide is an antiseptic and there are other antioxidant elements of honey that act as antimicrobial agents.

Studies show that honey stops the growth of plaque-forming bacteria and prevents the bacteria from developing polysaccharide or the glue that enables it to stick to your teeth and gums.

Not Every and Not Just Any Honey Works

While ancient history and modern science demonstrate the effectiveness of honey in the treatment of a wide variety of infections including gingivitis, you can’t use just any honey. Honey that is highly processed…pasteurized and filtered…loses its medicinal value. Pure raw honey is the key but it may be contaminated so it must be treated with gamma radiation to sterilise the honey without destroying the medicinal properites.

Finally, not all honey has a high level of antibacterial activity. So check the label.

Active Manuka Honey from New Zealand is one of the most researched and best known honeys for medicinal use. It has been used in studies around the world from the treatment of ulcers to diabetic sores to gingivitis.

To treat gingivitis with active honey, mix honey with water and use as a mouthwash several times a day. Some people reportedly rub active honey directly on the affected gums.

Other Medicinal Benefits of Honey

Numerous studies show that the daily consumption of raw honey 1 improves the antioxidant levels of blood and thus may help prevent arteriosclerosis (a cause of heart disease). The darker the honey the higher the antioxidant level.

Studies also show that honey may be a healthy energy food for athletes because it helps keep blood sugar at an optimum level for a longer period of time in comparison to other carbohydrates.

Various reports indicate honey is effective against infections caused by:

  • Staphylococcus aureus2
  • Escherichia coli(ecoli)
  • candida albicans (fungus)
  • Helicobacter pylori (the cause of stomach ulcers)

Be cautious. Use only pure, raw, uncontaminated, sterilized honey such as Active Manuka Honey for topical treatments.

Healing Honey References

For a simple effective treatment: OraMD kills the bacteria that causes plaque and gum infections

  1. Honey that is filtered, clarified or pasteurized loses the nutritional and medicinal qualities found in raw honey.
  2. Staphyloccoccus aureus is a superbug resistent to conventional antibioitics.


weight loss calculator September 14, 2010 at 2:22 pm

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Gum Disease Treatment September 19, 2010 at 11:20 am

Dear Rose,

I am a specialist in this field, and I must say this is a very informative post. Extremely right all the way, and helpful for most people.
However, one should not go lightly over this, since gum bleeding and gum disease can have serious consequences. So, you better treat it as soon as possible. Especially if the subject is still a child.

Daniel Larocque – France

Medicine Ball Exercises September 26, 2010 at 10:23 pm

Great site. A lot of useful information here. I’m sending it to some friends!

Benefits of manuka honey April 3, 2014 at 2:28 am

That is because when your skin becomes dry the body goes into action and
produces sebum – oil. Antibacterial; fights infections; provides acne relief.
The removal of excess oil or sebum from the skin is the aim of oily skin care.

Emily October 5, 2014 at 8:11 pm

You mention using manukah honey mixed with water as a mouthwash. What proportion do you use – how much honey to water? Isn’t there an issue of honey decaying teeth while attempting to heal gum issues?

Rose October 6, 2014 at 10:48 pm

Hello Emily
I just want to stress that any honey you use for the purpose of a medicinal mouthwash or to treat gingivitis needs to be a high quality raw honey. You will have to experiment with a mouthwash recipe. I’ve seen recipes that call for 1 to 2 teaspoons per cup of water. If you want to use honey to treat gingivitis and bleeding gums in particular, this research article suggests applying the honey directly to the gums.

On the question of decay, it is a good question and the short answer is “No”. Decay involves acid producing bacteria. The right sort of honey kills this very bacteria. The article mentioned above explains precisely why certain honeys prevent plaque and how they kill decay causing bacteria. Another excellent reference on what causes decay is Dentist Tom MacGuire’s book Healthy Teeth – Healthy Body. You can get a free copy when you order a sample of OraMD

If you decide to try a honey mouthwash, come back and let me know how it worked.

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